
The default bot prefix is ?. Forgot the prefix? @Platinum#1240 (mentioning the bot) will always work as a prefix.

Server Verification

verify - Verifies on the server if verification is enabled. You must have DM's enabled to use this command.

setup verification - Launches the setup wizard for server verification.


new (member) [ticket topic] - Creates a ticket on the server if tickets are enabled. If a member argument is supplied, the ticket is created for that member.

add <member> - Adds someone to a ticket.

remove <member> - Removes someone from a ticket.

setup tickets - Launches the setup wizard for tickets.


tag create <tag> <text> - Creates a tag.

tag edit <tag> <text> - Edits a tag.

tag delete <tag> - Deletes a tag.

tag info <tag> - Displays info about a tag.

tag <tag> - Displays a tag.

<tag> - Displays a tag.

setup tags - Launches the setup wizard for tags.

Anti Hoist (English Only)

setup antihoist - Launches the setup wizard for anti hoist.


suggest <suggestion> - Submits a suggestion to the suggestion channel.

approve <message id> <reason> - Marks a suggestion as approved.

deny <message id> <reason> - Marks a suggestion as denied.

potential <message id> <reason> - Marks a suggestion as potential.

invalid <message id> <reason> - Marks a suggestion as invalid.

setup suggestions - Launches the setup wizard for suggestions.


setup starboard - Launches the setup wizard for starboard.

General Bot Commands

help - Displays some bot information such as the command list command, the link to this page, the link to invite the bot, and an invite link to the support server.

cmds - Lists all of the bot commands in Discord. Not as detailed as this page.

prefix [prefix] - Sets the server prefix. Leave empty to view the current server prefix.

setup - Shows the setup wizards you can launch.

uptime - Shows uptime of the bot.

Last updated